About Us

Many people visit one Virginia winery - usually a eco-tourist attraction - have a bad experience with the wine, and then write off the whole state. It’s easy to see how this happens. There are over 300 wineries in Virginia, and only about 20-30 produce world-class wine.

Virginia has some amazing wines, but you need a guide to help you find the quality producers. That’s why we’re here.

We are an independent site and, unlike VirginiaWine.org, unaffiliated with the state wine industry

Linden Vineyard at Dawn

Our mission:

  • Help you make informed choices about what vineyards to visit and which wines to purchase, saving you money and time.

  • Introduce you to grape varietals that Virginia excels at making.

  • Encourage and promote the best vineyards and winemakers in the state.

  • Foster a culture of enjoying wine with meals instead of by itself as an intoxicant.

  • Help you take pride in our local wine industry and encourage you to buy more quality local wine.